Can nursing problems helped by Natural Progesterone cream.

Nursing problems, Natural Progesterone & Pregnancy

A study reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry observed that administering natural progesterone from the middle trimester of pregnancy for relief of the symptoms of toxemia had some unexpected benefits:

"A significant improvement in educational performance was demonstrated among children [whose mothers] received progesterone before the sixteenth week following conception; and after giving birth their mothers seemed to have greater success at nursing".

Clinical observations involving ninety children whose mothers received natural progesterone showed:

More progesterone children were nursed at six months, more were standing and walking at one year, and at the age of 9-10 years the progesterone children received significantly better gradings than controls in academic subjects, verbal reasoning, English, arithmetic, [and] craftwork, but showed only average gradings in physical education.
Dr. Katharina Dalton, who conducted these studies, first discovered the amazing benefits of natural progesterone through personal experience when she found that her own menstrual migraines disappeared during the last six months of pregnancy. She concluded that the high levels of progesterone during pregnancy might have made the difference. She then tested the use of natural progesterone on other women and found the same rapid relief of both headache and other symptoms. Noting that if symptoms normally associated with PMS should return at any stage of pregnancy, a resumption of natural progesterone treatment would be indicated, she advises: "You could be wise to arrange prophylactic natural progesterone during pregnancy."

Dr. Dalton is one of the many scientists and doctors who have discovered that natural progesterone in the natural form:

To protect the foetus the body secretes ten to fifteen times more progesterone during pregnancy than at other times. Dr. Lee tells us that the placenta becomes the major source of progesterone, producing 300 to 400 mgs. per day during the third trimester. What a great protection we have during pregnancy with this incredible hormone! And with no known dangerous side effects.
Morning Sickness
Dr. Dalton calls morning sickness "a sign that the ovarian progesterone is insufficient and the placenta is not yet secreting enough progesterone." She says that giving the woman extra progesterone will ease the symptoms. Says Dr. Ray Peat, "Since natural progesterone has been found to reduce the incidence of birth defects, it would seem reasonable to be sure that your own progesterone has returned to normal before getting pregnant."


Thousands of women in the western world are now using natural progesterone, generally in the form of a nonprescription product that is applied to the skin. They are experiencing increased vitality, better skin tone, a renewed emotional balance, less nursing problems, along with many other benefits, not the least of which is the positive effects on the mother and the child after the child is born. . Unfortunately, natural progesterone has been almost totally overlooked by medical science while the erroneous focus has been placed heavily on estrogen. It is important in this modern day for us to have a clearer understanding of progesterone-the important natural hormone that it is.

There are many instances of women using Natural Progesterone, going through trouble free pregnancy, and having no nursing problems and producing children of above average development.
Read here about Janene, who started using natural progesterone after failing to fall pregnant. Her son Thomas was born on 14 August 1999.

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