AIM BarleyLife ™ - Good Reports on Barleylife green juice!

Russ Huntley "We have been taking BarleyLife for three weeks now, and the way it makes you feel is absolutely amazing!!!! If I didn't know I was turning 60 this November, I would guess (based on how I feel) that I was under 20. I honestly have not had so much "natural" energy in my entire life. Trust me, I would not make such a statement unless it was absolutely true!"

Pam Kemp - Takes 2 tablespoons of BarleyLife green juice, 1 tablespoon of Just Carrots juice and 1 teaspoon of Redibeets beetroot juice at 5:30am. She notices much more energy throughout the day. Using the previous barley powder she would get hungry by 10:30am. Now she doesn't get hungry until after 1pm. She also use to take another tablespoon of barley powder around 3:30pm to perk her up. With BarleyLife she finds that extra tablespoon is not necessary as her energy level remains high.

Loren Schiele "With just three servings of AIM BarleyLife ™, I could feel the difference. I noticed an increased sense of well-being, energy, and stamina. I just felt great! And I had already been using a barley juice powder for more than six years."

Toni Lund "In the short time that I have been using AIM BarleyLife ™, I have noticed that I am able to accomplish more during the day because I have more energy. I am also thinking more clearly. And, joint pain has disappeared."

Jim Kling "To me, AIM BarleyLife ™ is the answer to feeling like you want to feel healthy and energetic, with no health problems, at my age, 75, when many people are having major health problems. AIM BarleyLife ™ is the answer to living old gracefully."

Green juice BarleylifeTeresa Schumacher "I am excited about the new AIM BarleyLife. Since taking it, I have more energy, better digestion, and a feeling of well-being. I am 77 years young and AIM BarleyLife will help me live to be 100."

A number of very good reports have come in by folks experiencing dramatic health benefits from the use of BarleyLife. We make no claims that BarleyLife does anything other than feed our cells. But when the body's cells get healthier folks will experience better health and better quality of Life. God is good! Loren


Barleygreen ® is a registered trademark of
Y.H. Products, Inc., in the United States and worldwide


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Watch the Barleylife Video.Barleylife - the best green juice.

- Barleylife Xtra
- Multivitamins plus
- ORAC Value
- What is Barleylife
- Nutritional value
- Barleylife v Multivitamins.
- Breastfeeding
- Questions & Answers
- Uses
- Nutritional benefits of Barleylife
- Barleylife and Pancreatic Cancer
- Scientific data
- Good reports on Barleylife.
What is Barleylife.


Benefits of juicing without the inconvenience.

How To Order Your BarleyLife Green Juice:

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AIM Barleylife Traditional green juice powder 300gr

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Barleylife - the Ultimate Food Supplement.
One of the very few products anywhere, that can detoxify and build at the same time!
Your Body Is Hungry For REAL FOOD!!! You want real food as in Barleylife !
Throw out your Multi-Vitamins!
Get Your Vitamins & Minerals From Food. Not From Pills!!!
Multi-Vitamins are NOT food.
There is Energy and Health in Barleylife!

BarleyLife Xtra

Barleylife Xtra Wholesale

Who said, “If it’s good for you, it has to taste bad”? AIM Barleylife ® Xtra is a delightful, cherry-apple flavored green barley juice powder.

Naturally sweetened with fruit and vegetable powders and Lo Han (a fruit specifically chosen for its sweetening ability), AIM Barleylife®Xtra provides a healthy, nourishing alternative to the plethora of sugar-filled drinks available today. Children and adults alike enjoy this smooth, pleasant drink. When taste makes all the difference, reach for AIM Barleylife® Xtra.

Barleylife Capsules

Barleylife capsules wholesale price

Are BarleyLife capsules completely vegan?

Yes, AIM BarleyLife® capsules are completely vegetarian and acceptable in a vegan diet. How quickly do the capsules dissolve?
AIM’s vegetarian capsules have been shown to dissolve within 5 to 10 minutes in water. Dissolution will be quicker in the stomach’s acids.

  • Take 6 capsules 2 to 3 times per day. Many people start with 3 and gradually increase to 5 or 6 per day.
  • Young children begin with 1 capsule per day and gradually increase to 2 capsules per day.
  • Athletes and others under stress often take larger amounts, sometimes as many as 18-26 capsules per day.
  • AIM BarleyLife are best taken on an empty stomach, between 30 minutes and 2 hours after a meal.